2020 Rams Volleyball Team


2020 MOJH Volleyball Team

Congratulations to the following girls for making the 2020 MOJH volleyball team!  See you at practice tomorrow from 3:15-5 with a parents meeting to follow at 5pm.

Ashley Davis

Paige Butler

Avian Jennings (PP)

Phoebe Dallimore

Cayley Bugnet (PP)

Rian Barnes

Charlie Blodgett

Sam Stark

Ella Reeves (PP)

Sarah Starley (PP)

Emmy Bell

Sophia Severo

Isabelle Wansgard

Stevie Cadiz

Issy Kalista

Tabitha Merrill

Izzy Gladwell

Taylor Duke

Jill Wood

Tess Correa

Lucy Blodgett

Zoe Collings (PP)

Neveah Miller

Zoey Norton

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