Track Meet @ Ogden High 4/23/2019


Both Mount Ogden Track teams had an awesome meet yesterday. The boys were led with outstanding performances by Jack Blodgett, Gavin Gunderson, and Tanner Orton. The girls were led by Rees Bockwoldt, Katelyn Blackham, and Rebecca Jenks. Our athletes are making great improvements and we are really excited for the District Championship Meet on May 13th.

Boy’s Team Scores
  1. Mount Ogden  165
  2. Highmark        143
  3. Mound Fort     50
  4. Highland         20
Girl’s Team Scores
  1. Mount Ogden  187.2
  2. Highmark         165
  3. Highland          38.6
  4. Mound Fort      13.2
Combined Team Scores
  1. Mount Ogden 352.2
  2. Highmark        308
  3. Mound Fort     63.2
  4. Highland         58.6
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